The Fall Semester of Community Groups is well underway and we've launched a monthly Tech Team Hangout Group! Join us as we have fun, dive deeper into God's word and develop our skills together as a tech team!


We want our team to grow, not just in our skillset, but in our spiritual walk as well. Monthly Focus is our attempt to do so, by providing one interesting resource and one scripture or devotional that we can focus on together for the month. Below is the current Monthly Focus:
This month, we've found an informative session from Churchfront Live 2022. Jesse Maitland, the live broadcast director at Bethel Church, shares how he & his team create an immersive, online experience for church online viewers.
John 14:16-17 ESV | And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.


Our vision is to always create excellent, distraction-free experiences to help people encounter God in services and online. We can only do that if we all are on the same page. You should've received a handbook when first joining the team, but if for whatever you didn't, you can download the pdf via the link below:


We use Planning Center Online Services to schedule all our team members. This is a powerful platform that can allow you to see when you are scheduled, respond to any requests and add blackout dates. The quicker you familiarize yourself with PCO, the easier it will be to stay in the know about everything happening on the tech team. Below is a quick training video that covers the basics of PCO Services.


MxU is an online platform that contains hundreds of training videos designed to help our team pursue a new standard of excellence in audio, video, and lighting. We will incorporate the MxU library in our onboarding to help expedite the training process all while equipping team members with resources from leading industry professionals.

As of right now, MxU access is limited and can only be used by several team members at a time. We are in the process of having all team members complete specific training courses. If however, you are interested in gaining access for your personal growth, you can request a login by emailing the team leaders here.


What's the difference between call time & arrival time?
Arrival time is when team members should be arriving at church, while call time is when team members should be ready for rehearsal. Regardless of where you serve, all tech team members should arrive no later than 7:15 AM and be ready for call time at 7:30 AM.
Is there a dress code?
Our goal is to be the least distracting to guests when serving. As such, we ask team members to wear an all-black attire, (Shirts, button-ups, pants, jeans, etc). We provide every team member with one tech team shirt that they can wear when serving. Replacements can be requested within reason.
What's the code for the video room door?
0113 - we ask that this stays within the tech team only. There are thousands of dollars of equipment behind that door, and if too many non-essential individuals know the code, then we will have to change it and only assign it to Video Directors. Don't be that guy, and don't make us be that guy...
Do we have access to the Green Room?
The Green Room is primarily used by Pastor Eddie, any guest speakers, and band members. While tech team members have access to the Green Room for beverages & snacks, it is not a place to congregate during or between services.
What are the passwords to the Pro Presenter computers?
  • CG01 - cpcg01
  • CG02 - cpcg02


Keep up to date with everything going on at City Point, including our next Tech Team rally!